Whether your teen needs to save up for post-secondary education, they just aren’t sure what they want to study after high school, or they want to explore the world outside of school, there are many different ways they can spend their gap year.
Taking a year off prior to continuing post-secondary studies is commonly referred to as a gap year. If your youth is interested in taking a gap year, don’t dismiss it as a waste of a year! Many gap year opportunities allow youth to figure out exactly what they want from their post-secondary education while also being productive.
Popular Resources
The Canadian Gap Year Association (CanGap) is a registered non-profit organization with a mission to support young people looking to take an intentional step off the conveyor belt of life to explore and experience ‘the real world’ according to their talents, goals and interests. They support gappers and their families through one-on-one coaching , a year-long certification program and free resources.
mygapyear empowers young adults to find direction at a pivotal time in their lives through taking a gap year. They offer alternative learning opportunities that go beyond travel to include a unique blend of coaching, emotional intelligence and leadership development.
Work Away builds a shared community of global travellers who genuinely want to see the world whilst contributing and giving back to the places they visit.